Mino Aug 1 , 2012

Mino-City : Gifu Pref.
Mino City is located in southwestern Gifu Prefecture. It has been known for centuries as a production center for traditional Japanese paper.
Dir : Yasuhito Tsuge
Music : Nao Kakimoto
Coordinator : Koichi Tsuji (Marujyu Paper Company)
Mino Handcraft Paper : Tatsuo Ichihara (Daikou-koubou))
Mino city sightseeing association (Gifu) 美濃市観光協会
SAKE Brewery Kosaka 小坂酒造場
Mukae-jima Bungalow 迎島バンガロー

About The Author
- Executive Editor of Tokyo Girls' Update http://tokyogirlsupdate.com/


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